Hello there! You're likely here from clicking a link on one of my accounts. If that's the case, and you wish to see other Wonda accounts, scroll down to Wonda Links and have fun poking around there.
Some of the links have been disabled due to there being NSFW content behind them. Click the following box to confirm that you are over 18 and are used to the weird things I make.
Dig through dA if you want to see most of the Wonda art, without having to fight through Twitter's UI.
CoHostThis was intended to be an alt after Twitter changed their policies on promoting other platforms, but I rarely use this.
ItakuHopefully this can be another repository for my work, but we'll wait and see that.
NewgroundsI feel like I don't really fit into the vibes that Newgrounds has, but media might start showing up here.
ArtFightI want to give ArtFight a chance, as of 2023. Hopefully this is fun!
PatreonCome send me a couple gamer dollars and I'll make some art in return.
ToyhouseHere's an organized set of references of my various characters (and the biggest repository of my personal art).
TumblrWoah! It's the blog website! I love all the funny things people post to it.
YouTubeHey! I make videos occasionally, check them out here.
Itch.ioThe same goes for games.
GitHubI don't know why you'd want to look at my GitHub, but here it is, I guess.